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- 4 printchr$(142);chr$(8)"[147]":p$="menu runner":poke53264,0
- 8 printtab(9)"[154]please wait while data":printtab(12)"is being loaded"
- 12 poke53281,0:v=53248:pokev,190:pokev+1,106:pokev+2,190:pokev+3,148
- 16 pokev+4,234:pokev+5,106:pokev+6,234:pokev+7,148:pokev+29,15:pokev+23,15
- 20 poke53280,12:nm=332.195833:dn=int(nm):ky=1989
- 24 sd=54272:for i=sd to sd+23:poke i,0:next:poke sd+24,15:poke 788,52
- 28 forp1=15360 to 15422:readq1:pokep1,q1:next
- 32 forp2=15424 to 15486:readq2:pokep2,q2:next
- 36 forp3=15488 to 15550:readq3:pokep3,q3:next
- 40 forp4=15552 to 15614:readq4:pokep4,q4:next
- 44 forp5=15616 to 15678:readq5:pokep5,q5:next
- 48 forp6=15680 to 15742:readq6:pokep6,q6:next
- 52 forp7=15744 to 15806:readq7:pokep7,q7:next
- 56 forp8=15808 to 15870:readq8:pokep8,q8:next
- 60 forp9=15872 to 15934:readq9:pokep9,q9:next
- 64 forp10=15936 to 15998:readq10:pokep10,q10:next
- 68 forp11=16000 to 16062:readq11:pokep11,q11:next
- 72 forp12=16064 to 16126:readq12:pokep12,q12:next
- 76 forp13=16128 to 16190:readq13:pokep13,q13:next
- 80 forp14=16192 to 16254:readq14:pokep14,q14:next
- 84 forp15=16256 to 16318:readq15:pokep15,q15:next
- 88 forp16=16320 to 16382:readq16:pokep16,q16:next:goto176
- 92 poke v+21,0:print"[147]"
- 96 printtab(14)"[159]loading me[158]n[159]u":print"[144]load"chr$(34)p$chr$(34)",8"
- 100 poke198,4:poke631,13:poke632,82:poke633,213:poke634,13:end
- 104 print"[147]":pokev+21,0:poke53281,14:poke53280,14:sys64738
- 108 for w=1 to 1000:next w
- 112 poke 198,0
- 116 for c=1 to 10
- 120 get c$:if c$="[136]"then92
- 124 if c$="[140]"then104
- 128 if c$<>"[136]" and c$<>"[140]" and c$<>""then176
- 132 next
- 136 print" [146]press any key[145]"
- 140 for d=1 to 30
- 144 get d$:if d$="[136]"then92
- 148 if d$="[140]"then104
- 152 if d$<>"[136]" and d$<>"[140]" and d$<>""then176
- 156 next
- 160 print" [152]press[146] any[146] key[145]"
- 164 goto116
- 168 print"[145] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";:return
- 172 printtab(8+len(s$))"[145] [157]":s$="":return
- 176 gosub936:poke198,0
- 180 pokev+21,0:md=0:l=0:y$="0":m$="0":d$="0":ah$="0":print"[147]"
- 184 print" year ? [156]";:y$=""
- 185 if xx>10 then xx=0
- 186 if xx>5 then print" [157]";:goto 190
- 188 print"[164][157]";
- 190 get a$
- 192 if a$="[136]"then92
- 196 if a$="[140]"then104
- 200 if a$=chr$(19) then176
- 204 if a$=chr$(20) then print:gosub936:gosub168:goto184
- 208 if a$=chr$(13) then print:s$=y$:gosub172:goto224
- 212 if a$<"0" or a$>"9" then222
- 216 if len(y$)>3 then222
- 220 print a$;:y$=y$+a$
- 222 xx=xx+1:goto 185
- 224 yy=val(y$)
- 228 if yy>2500 or yy<1582 then gosub168:goto184
- 232 gosub936
- 236 print" month? [156]";:m$=""
- 237 if xx>10 then xx=0
- 238 if xx>5 then print" [157]";:goto 242
- 240 print"[164][157]";
- 242 get a$
- 244 if a$=chr$(19) then176
- 248 if a$=chr$(20) then print:gosub936:gosub168:goto236
- 252 if a$=chr$(13) then print:s$=m$:gosub172:goto268
- 256 if a$<"0" or a$>"9" then266
- 260 if len(m$)>1 then266
- 264 print a$;:m$=m$+a$
- 266 xx=xx+1:goto 237
- 268 mm=val(m$)
- 272 ifmm<1ormm>12 then gosub168:goto236
- 276 if yy=1582 and mm<10 then gosub168:goto236
- 280 gosub936
- 284 print" day ?[156] ";:d$=""
- 285 if xx>10 then xx=0
- 286 if xx>5 then print" [157]";:goto 290
- 288 print"[164][157]";
- 290 get a$
- 292 if a$=chr$(19) then176
- 296 if a$=chr$(20) then print:gosub936:gosub168:goto284
- 300 if a$=chr$(13) then print:s$=d$:gosub172:dd=val(d$):goto324
- 304 if a$<"0" or a$>"9" then314
- 308 if len(d$)>1 then314
- 312 print a$;:d$=d$+a$
- 314 xx=xx+1:goto 285
- 316 if mm=2 and dd>29 then gosub168:goto284
- 320 goto332
- 324 if((yy/4=int(yy/4))and(yy/100<>int(yy/100)))or(yy/400=int(yy/400))then316
- 328 if mm=2 and dd>28 then gosub168:goto284
- 332 if(mm=4 or mm=6 or mm=9 or mm=11)and dd>30 then gosub168:goto284
- 336 if dd<1 or dd>31 then gosub168:goto284
- 340 dd=dd-1
- 344 if yy=1582andmm=10anddd<14thengosub168:goto284
- 348 gosub936
- 352 print" hour ?[156] ";:ah$="":ap$=""
- 353 if xx>8 then xx=0
- 354 if xx>4 then print" [157]";:goto 358
- 356 print"[164][157]";
- 358 get a$
- 360 a=val(a$)
- 364 if a$=chr$(19) then176
- 368 if a$=chr$(20) then print:gosub936:gosub168:goto352
- 372 if a$=chr$(13) then print:s$=ah$:gosub172:goto400
- 376 if a$="a" or a$="p" or a$="m" then384
- 380 if a$<"0" or a$>"9" then398
- 384 if len(ah$)>3 then398
- 388 print a$;
- 392 if a$<>right$(str$(a),len(a$)) then ap$=ap$+a$
- 396 ah$=ah$+a$
- 398 xx=xx+1:goto 353
- 400 ah=val(ah$)
- 404 if ah<1 or ah>12 thengosub168:goto352
- 408 aq$=right$(ah$,2)
- 412 if aq$<>ap$ then gosub168:goto352
- 416 if aq$<>"am" and aq$<>"pm" then gosub168:goto352
- 420 if ap$="am" and ah=12 then ah=0
- 424 if ap$="pm" and ah<12 then ah=ah+12
- 428 ah=ah/24
- 432 gosub936
- 436 print"[145][145][145][145]"tab(20)" moon phase: [146]":printtab(22)"working...[158]"
- 440 y=yy-ky:n=sgn(y):yd=y*365
- 448 for mn=1 to mm-1
- 452 dc=31
- 456 if mm=1 then dc=0
- 460 if mn=2 then dc=28
- 464 if mn=4 or mn=6 or mn=9 or mn=11 then dc=30
- 468 md=md+dc
- 472 next mn
- 476 gosub700
- 480 if n=0 then n=1
- 484 yt=abs(n*(yd+md+dd+ah-nm)+l)
- 488 ya=abs(n*(yd+md+dd+ah-dn)+l)
- 492 if yd+md+dd+ah<=nm then512
- 500 lm=(yt/29.53058):pf=lm-int(lm):lp=pf*29.53058
- 504 wn=ya/7:df=wn-int(wn):dw=(df*7)+1.01
- 508 goto520
- 512 lm=(yt/29.53058):pf=lm-int(lm):lp=29.53058-(pf*29.53058)
- 516 wn=ya/7:df=wn-int(wn):dw=7-(df*7)+1.01
- 520 b=abs(lp)*1000+.5:mp=sgn(lp)*int(b)/1000
- 524 if yy=ky and md+dd=dn then dw=1.01
- 528 if dw>8 then dw=1.01
- 532 if dw>5 and dw<6 then dw$=" sunday"
- 536 if dw>6 and dw<7 then dw$=" monday"
- 540 if dw>7 and dw<8 then dw$=" tuesday"
- 544 if dw>1 and dw<2 then dw$="wednesday"
- 548 if dw>2 and dw<3 then dw$="thursday"
- 552 if dw>3 and dw<4 then dw$=" friday"
- 556 if dw>4 and dw<5 then dw$="saturday"
- 560 gosub944
- 564 if mp>=1.845 and mp<=5.535 then n3=248:n4=249:n5=12:n8=6:n9=6:goto572
- 568 goto576
- 572 print""tab(20)"first crescent":gosub720
- 576 if mp>=5.536 and mp<=9.225 then n3=241:n4=243:n5=12:n8=14:n9=14:goto584
- 580 goto588
- 584 print""tab(20)"first quarter":gosub720
- 588 if mp>=9.226 and mp<=12.915 then goto596
- 592 goto604
- 596 n1=253:n2=252:n3=241:n4=243:n5=15:n6=3:n7=3:n8=3:n9=3
- 600 print""tab(20)"waxing gibbous":gosub720
- 604 if mp>=12.916 and mp<=16.605 then goto612
- 608 goto620
- 612 n1=240:n2=242:n3=241:n4=243:n5=15:n6=1:n7=1:n8=1:n9=1
- 616 print""tab(22)"full moon ":gosub720
- 620 if mp>=16.606 and mp<=20.295 then goto628
- 624 goto636
- 628 n1=240:n2=242:n3=254:n4=255:n5=15:n6=3:n7=3:n8=3:n9=3
- 632 print""tab(20)"waning gibbous":gosub720
- 636 if mp>=20.296 and mp<=23.985 then n1=240:n2=242:n5=3:n6=14:n7=14:goto644
- 640 goto648
- 644 print""tab(20)"last quarter":gosub720
- 648 if mp>=23.986 and mp<=27.675 then n1=250:n2=251:n5=3:n6=6:n7=6:goto656
- 652 goto660
- 656 print""tab(20)"last crescent":gosub720
- 660 if(mp>=27.676 and mp<=29.53)or(mp>=0and mp<=1.844)then goto668
- 664 goto676
- 668 n1=244:n2=246:n3=245:n4=247:n5=15:n6=1:n7=1:n8=1:n9=1
- 672 print""tab(22)"new moon ":gosub720
- 676 goto108
- 680 if n=1 then692
- 684 if mm>2 and mm<13 then l=l-1
- 688 goto696
- 692 if mm=1 or mm=2 then l=l-1
- 696 return
- 700 for x=yy to ky step1*sgn(ky-yy)
- 704 if((x/4=int(x/4))and(x/100<>int(x/100)))or(x/400=int(x/400))then l=l+1
- 708 next
- 712 if((yy/4=int(yy/4))and(yy/100<>int(yy/100)))or(yy/400=int(yy/400))then680
- 716 goto696
- 720 printtab(22)"[154]"dw$
- 724 poke2040,n1:poke2041,n2:poke2042,n3:poke2043,n4:pokev+21,n5:pokev+39,n6
- 728 pokev+40,n7:pokev+41,n8:pokev+42,n9
- 732 print"":printtab(16)
- 736 on mm goto740,768,796,796,800,840,856,856,860,861,896,924
- 740 if mm=1 and dd=0 then print" new year's [154]day";
- 741 if yy>1985 and mm=1 and(dd>13anddd<21)and dw$=" monday"then743
- 742 goto746
- 743 print" m. l. king jr.'s":printtab(23)"birthday"
- 744 printtab(23)"observed[145][145][145]":goto768
- 746 ifyy>1985andmm=1anddd=14thenprint" [154]m. l. king jr.'s":goto752
- 748 goto768
- 752 printtab(23)"birthday[145][145]"
- 768 if mm=2 and dd=1 then print" [154]groundhog day";
- 772 if yy>1865 and mm=2 and dd=11 then print" [156]lincoln's birthday";
- 776 if mm=2 and dd=13 then print" valentine's day";
- 780 if yy>1970 and mm=2 and (dd>13 and dd<21) and dw$=" monday" then786
- 784 goto792
- 786 if yy>1990 then print" presidents' day";:goto 792
- 788 print" washington's birthday":printtab(23)"observed[145]";
- 792 if yy>1799 and mm=2 and dd=21 then print"washington's birthday";
- 796 if mm=3 and dd=16 then print" [153]st. patrick's day";
- 800 if yy>1906 and mm=5 and (dd>6 and dd<14) and dw$=" sunday" then808
- 804 goto812
- 808 print" [154]mother's day";
- 812 if yy>1949 and mm=5 and(dd>13 and dd<21)and dw$="saturday" then820
- 816 goto821
- 820 print" armed forces day";
- 821 if yy>1970 and mm=5 and dd>23 and dw$=" monday"then823
- 822 goto824
- 823 print" memorial day":printtab(22)"observed[145][145]":goto840
- 824 if yy>1867 and mm=5 and dd=29 then print" memorial day[145]"
- 840 if yy>1776 and mm=6 and dd=13 then print" flag day";
- 844 if yy>1909 and mm=6 and(dd>13 and dd<21)and dw$=" sunday"then852
- 848 goto856
- 852 print" [154]father's day";
- 856 ifyy>1775andmm=7anddd=3thenprint" in[154]dep[154]end[154]enc[154]e da[154]y";
- 860 if yy>1893 and mm=9 and dd<8 and dw$=" monday"then print" labor day";
- 861 if yy>1970 and mm=10 and (dd>6 and dd<14) and dw$=" monday" then863
- 862 goto864
- 863 print" columbus day":printtab(22)"observed[145]";:goto880
- 864 if mm=10 and dd=11 then print" [154]columbus day[145]"
- 880 if yy>1970 and mm=10 and(dd>20 and dd<28)and dw$=" monday" then888
- 884 goto892
- 888 print" veteran's day"chr$(13)" observed[145]";
- 892 if mm=10 and dd=30 then print" halloween";
- 896 ifyy>1871andmm=11and(dd>0anddd<8)anddw$=" tuesday"then904
- 900 goto908
- 904 print" election day";
- 908 if yy>1953 and mm=11 and dd=10 then print" veteran's day";
- 912 ifyy>1938andmm=11and(dd>20anddd<28)anddw$="thursday"then923
- 921 if(yy>1862andyy<1939)andmm=11anddd>22anddw$="thursday"then923
- 922 goto924
- 923 print" [129]thanksgiving day";
- 924 if mm=12 and dd=24 then print" christmas day";
- 928 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 932 return
- 936 pokesd+5,8:pokesd+6,240:pokesd,0:pokesd+1,90:pokesd+4,17:fors=1to100:next
- 940 goto948
- 944 pokesd+5,8:pokesd+6,240:pokesd,0:pokesd+1,90:pokesd+4,17:fors=1to500:next
- 948 poke sd+4,0:poke sd,0:poke sd+1,0:return
- 952 end
- 956 data000,000,255,000,007,255,000,031
- 960 data255,000,127,255,000,255,255,001
- 964 data255,255,003,255,255,007,255,255
- 968 data015,255,255,031,255,255,031,255
- 972 data255,063,255,255,063,255,255,127
- 976 data255,255,127,255,255,127,255,255
- 980 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 984 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 988 data255,000,000,255,224,000,255,248
- 992 data000,255,254,000,255,255,000,255
- 996 data255,128,255,255,192,255,255,224
- 1000 data255,255,240,255,255,248,255,255
- 1004 data248,255,255,252,255,255,252,255
- 1008 data255,254,255,255,254,255,255,254
- 1012 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1016 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1020 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1024 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255,127
- 1028 data255,255,127,255,255,127,255,255
- 1032 data063,255,255,063,255,255,031,255
- 1036 data255,031,255,255,015,255,255,007
- 1040 data255,255,003,255,255,001,255,255
- 1044 data000,255,255,000,127,255,000,031
- 1048 data255,000,007,255,000,000,255
- 1052 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1056 data255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1060 data255,254,255,255,254,255,255,254
- 1064 data255,255,252,255,255,252,255,255
- 1068 data248,255,255,248,255,255,240,255
- 1072 data255,224,255,255,192,255,255,128
- 1076 data255,255,000,255,254,000,255,248
- 1080 data000,255,224,000,255,000,000
- 1084 data000,000,255,000,007,000,000,024
- 1088 data000,000,096,000,000,128,000,001
- 1092 data000,000,002,000,000,004,000,000
- 1096 data008,000,000,016,000,000,016,000
- 1100 data000,032,000,000,032,000,000,064
- 1104 data000,000,064,000,000,064,000,000
- 1108 data128,000,000,128,000,000,128,000
- 1112 data000,128,000,000,128,000,000
- 1116 data255,000,000,000,224,000,000,024
- 1120 data000,000,006,000,000,001,000,000
- 1124 data000,128,000,000,064,000,000,032
- 1128 data000,000,016,000,000,008,000,000
- 1132 data008,000,000,004,000,000,004,000
- 1136 data000,002,000,000,002,000,000,002
- 1140 data000,000,001,000,000,001,000,000
- 1144 data001,000,000,001,000,000,001
- 1148 data128,000,000,128,000,000,128,000
- 1152 data000,128,000,000,128,000,000,064
- 1156 data000,000,064,000,000,064,000,000
- 1160 data032,000,000,032,000,000,016,000
- 1164 data000,016,000,000,008,000,000,004
- 1168 data000,000,002,000,000,001,000,000
- 1172 data000,128,000,000,096,000,000,024
- 1176 data000,000,007,000,000,000,255
- 1180 data000,000,001,000,000,001,000,000
- 1184 data001,000,000,001,000,000,001,000
- 1188 data000,002,000,000,002,000,000,002
- 1192 data000,000,004,000,000,004,000,000
- 1196 data008,000,000,008,000,000,016,000
- 1200 data000,032,000,000,064,000,000,128
- 1204 data000,001,000,000,006,000,000,024
- 1208 data000,000,224,000,255,000,000
- 1212 data255,000,000,127,224,000,063,248
- 1216 data000,015,254,000,007,255,000,003
- 1220 data255,128,001,255,192,001,255,224
- 1224 data000,255,240,000,127,248,000,127
- 1228 data248,000,063,252,000,063,252,000
- 1232 data031,254,000,031,254,000,031,254
- 1236 data000,031,255,000,015,255,000,015
- 1240 data255,000,015,255,000,015,255
- 1244 data000,015,255,000,015,255,000,015
- 1248 data255,000,015,255,000,031,255,000
- 1252 data031,254,000,031,254,000,031,254
- 1256 data000,063,252,000,063,252,000,127
- 1260 data248,000,127,248,000,255,240,001
- 1264 data255,224,001,255,192,003,255,128
- 1268 data007,255,000,015,254,000,063,248
- 1272 data000,127,224,000,255,000,000
- 1276 data000,000,255,000,007,254,000,031
- 1280 data252,000,127,240,000,255,224,001
- 1284 data255,192,003,255,128,007,255,128
- 1288 data015,255,000,031,254,000,031,254
- 1292 data000,063,252,000,063,252,000,127
- 1296 data248,000,127,248,000,127,248,000
- 1300 data255,248,000,255,240,000,255,240
- 1304 data000,255,240,000,255,240,000
- 1308 data255,240,000,255,240,000,255,240
- 1312 data000,255,240,000,255,248,000,127
- 1316 data248,000,127,248,000,127,248,000
- 1320 data063,252,000,063,252,000,031,254
- 1324 data000,031,254,000,015,255,000,007
- 1328 data255,128,003,255,128,001,255,192
- 1332 data000,255,224,000,127,240,000,031
- 1336 data252,000,007,254,000,000,255
- 1340 data000,031,255,000,031,255,000,031
- 1344 data255,000,031,255,000,015,255,000
- 1348 data015,255,000,015,255,000,015,255
- 1352 data000,007,255,000,007,255,000,003
- 1356 data255,000,003,255,000,001,255,000
- 1360 data000,255,000,000,255,000,000,127
- 1364 data000,000,063,000,000,031,000,000
- 1368 data015,000,000,003,000,000,000
- 1372 data000,000,000,000,000,003,000,000
- 1376 data015,000,000,031,000,000,063,000
- 1380 data000,127,000,000,255,000,000,255
- 1384 data000,001,255,000,003,255,000,003
- 1388 data255,000,007,255,000,007,255,000
- 1392 data015,255,000,015,255,000,015,255
- 1396 data000,015,255,000,031,255,000,031
- 1400 data255,000,031,255,000,031,255
- 1404 data000,000,000,192,000,000,240,000
- 1408 data000,248,000,000,252,000,000,254
- 1412 data000,000,255,000,000,255,000,000
- 1416 data255,128,000,255,192,000,255,192
- 1420 data000,255,224,000,255,224,000,255
- 1424 data240,000,255,240,000,255,240,000
- 1428 data255,240,000,255,248,000,255,248
- 1432 data000,255,248,000,255,248,000
- 1436 data255,248,000,255,248,000,255,248
- 1440 data000,255,248,000,255,240,000,255
- 1444 data240,000,255,240,000,255,240,000
- 1448 data255,224,000,255,224,000,255,192
- 1452 data000,255,192,000,255,128,000,255
- 1456 data000,000,255,000,000,254,000,000
- 1460 data252,000,000,248,000,000,240,000
- 1464 data000,192,000,000,000,000,000